Audiobook Demos


  • Business/Motivational, First Person (Professional)
  • Educational/Medical, Third Person (Expert)
  • Historical, Third Person (Omniscient)
  • Medical, First Person (Intrigue; Dark Humor)
  • Self-Help/Personal Development, Second Person (Sarcastic)


  • Coming Soon



Michelle Marie Harrison

PharmD, MBA, MS

Michelle Marie Harrison’s “origin story” as a multipotentialite begins in upstate New York at age four. Having been initially denied entrance to kindergarten due to her inability to read, Michelle Marie spent hours practicing each day that Summer determined to begin her educational journey. When the deadline came for final, entry decisions, Michelle Marie was accepted into kindergarten having officially tested at the second grade reading level.

As Michelle Marie’s academic career progressed into college, she was able to complete four degrees: Bachelor of Science in Biology, Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Master of Business Administration, and Doctorate in Pharmacy.  During this ten-year journey, she expanded her knowledge in science, jurisprudence, business, pharmacy, and leadership.  Concomitantly, leveraging her “superpower” of neurodivergence, Michelle Marie found it easy to combine her love of learning and creative expression, such as acting, dancing, singing, and writing.  While this high-functioning introvert found comfort in snuggling with one of the 27 volumes of the “Growing Up with Science Encyclopedia,” she also felt freedom in performing on stage in local musicals and one-act performances.  As she experienced nervous excitement about learning from the gross dissection of cadavers and other comparative vertebrates, she also found it thrilling to sing at numerous weddings for those starting new lives together.  Through her experiences, Michelle Marie found that the two worlds of learning and creative expression naturally coalesced, opening potentiality in the brain, body, and spirit.

As a current leader in healthcare, and instructor in pharmacy experiential education, Michelle Marie continues to integrate academics and performance by communicating the knowledge of expert authors.  As owner of Mosaic Sounds LLC, Michelle Marie combines her dynamic experiences with her bright, articulate, and melodic sound, to highlight the enthusiasm of each author’s work through non-fiction, narration services. Narration specialties include non-fiction genres such as: business, educational, historical, leadership, medical, motivational, self-improvement, and more. 

Reality can be cooler than fiction and Michelle Marie wants the world to know!  (And of course, there is always room for some make believe, too!)